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Transcript - Lanuague Justice for Open Science

A conversation with Eleonora Colangelo

Published onApr 05, 2023
Transcript - Lanuague Justice for Open Science
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Jo: Welcome to a new episode of Access 2 Perspectives Conversations. I'm very glad to be able to welcome today Eleonora Colangelo who works in one of my most favorite cities on this planet, Firenze, also known as Florence in English, in Italy. And Eleonora you're an editorial outreach specialist working for Frontiers. 

You know, they're the publisher. And we will talk about multilingualism. For a both of us we’re multilingual. And applying also language in our professional lives. So maybe to get us started would like to start by introducing yourself, what your background is, what your studies were about, your research, and now how did you decide to join Frontiers? 

Eleonora: Yeah

Jo: Switching position from contributing to research, scholarly writing. Now yeah, helping to publish research for others.

Eleonora:Yeah. So thanks for asking, and thanks also for inviting me to talk about a topic which unites us in a certain way.

I have a nice and funny transition story about that because I'm Italian, as you said, and I work in the scholarly publishing sector for three years. As you recall I’m currently serving as an additional treat specialist at Frontiers, which is a leading open science company dedicated to accelerating scientific discovery for healthy lives on a healthy planet, just to mention Frontier's timeline. And the workspace I am integrating to is very eclectic in terms of cultures and languages. So I'm aware of what's working in a multilinguistic setting. But, you know, I could say that my relationship with languages is very complicated. 

Because before that, I studied ancient languages, in particular, ancient Greek and Latin. 

Jo: Sorry. I just needed to throw this in there. And it's, like, not Greece per se or just if you want to say Athens.

But it's not my first time. Right? It was the first time after seventeen years and that's again and still such a beautiful city as well and it'd be frustrating for Florence. 

I had to study Latin at school and you wonder why studying a language that's not spoken anymore?

Eleonora: Yeah. I think that it's a cultural phenomenon here in Italy because we are very much sensitized by ancient culture. And you know, we believe in ancient culture around us. So I think it's very natural for us to develop a certain passion for Latin and ancient Greek. Then there is a personal issue behind the personal story beyond that because my father is a veteran, passionate about ancient cultures, in particular ancient Greeks. 

So it has been very natural for me to embrace this kind of passion And it has been the most wonderful journey in my life. My academic background focused primarily on ancient history and graph six. And this is a field of study where the predominant languages nowadays are by order of impact German, English and French. So even an Italian can be considered, you know, as a minority language in that field of study. And just to connect to our topic. 

I have to say that my experience as a nomad early career researcher has made me even more passionate about multilingualism in scholarly publishing because at a certain point, I embraced Anthropologie. Which allows me to study ancient languages and ancient cultures from the hydropological point of view. So there's been an important switch, scientific switch in my life, I think. Plus, as a part of my PHD studies, I have visited fellowships in Athens, Oxford, Geneva. So I gained a sort of extensive knowledge from several institutions across Europe. 

I faced myself with other colleagues who came from different cultural, linguistic and religious contexts, but we were all united by the same mission that was to understand, communicate and convey ancient knowledge from the point of view of ancient speakers. So just to sum up, I worked in a field characterized by intersectionality in terms of languages because I started ancient or so called languages, and I collaborated in the meantime with people coming from all over the world and many who spoke rarely English, in their research and teaching activities. So this is, let's say, the big framework of my story. But should I sing aloud two key moments that sensitize myself about multilingualism in general, I will speak of two episodes. 

The first episode was in 2016 during a workshop in Crague, which was mostly in Polish. And at that moment, I really noticed how it is to be on the other side, you know, because there was hardly anyone to talk to but I realized also that they were doing something especially wonderful in their fields. And this was important to connect with these people to advance research. And that's when I first started thinking about the importance of translation in my field, and I found out to what extent the dominance of French and English language publications in the academic world from my specific research area was limiting the range of perspectives and voices represented. So that's about the first episode. 

And the second one was between twenty nineteen, twenty twenty, just some months before the pandemic. When I found together with three other colleagues from several universities in Paris, a research group project entitled Untranslatable of antiquity. So this project surely involves studying all the cases when a word or a category of words is transferred from a linguistic system to nature. That's bringing a semantic shift, which makes the roots, except sometimes uncatalytical. So most cases were represented by categories belonging to ancient cultures, which do not find, you know, the right translation in our modern languages due to semantic and anthropological acts in our modern dictionaries or societies. 

So we wanted to apply this concept of loss in translation or untranslatable cases. To ancient Greek and Latin languages from the point of view of historical anthropology. And we gathered important scholars to discuss metallurgical issues connected to the study of ultra relatable. For example, We started different approaches used by scholars in order to solve problems of multilingualism and translation generated by the transfer from  one language to another. And this project aimed and currently aims at publishing a sort of lively dictionary built up in a collaborative way by researchers around a specific set of words and expressions without any cogent equivalent in our modern dictionaries. So it's slightly different, but it records what you did with the Africarxiv project. 

And it's very important to think about angles and embrace cross-listing issues in this regard. So the ultra relatable project definitely has been an important milestone that has marked my approach to multilingualism because I really practically experienced both human and scientific benefits coming from a heterogeneous and diversified approach across linguistic and cultural boundaries, you know.

Jo: Can I just ask for an example of what a translatable term from an ancient language might be, that's not applicable in modern languages. And just to give an example from the other side. And with the Afriarxiv, we're working with three South African organizations to translate English research articles first authored by African scholars into six indigenous African languages And there and doing so, we also build, like, other colleagues, mostly. We're the glossary of terms that are untranslatable because there is no term that exists in the languages because they don't have in those languages, they don't have the scriptures for for anything, like, molecular biology wise or so, like, anything that's, like, in the industrialized context. And so that's from the other perspective, but what terms are not translatable into our side for example? 

Eleonora: For example, yes, the fields which are most characterized by translatables are politics and the religions once. For example, how are thermal disasters? Hasn't an equivalent in ancient Greek. There is nothing in the ancient Greek vocabulary that recalls our conceptual religion that has been taken from the Latin concept of religion, which is not - which is not at all related to the Christian concept and notion of devotion and and religion. But there are many hundred concepts and notions that we have, you know, so to very interpret that through our cultural bias. 

For example, beauty, there is nothing in our way which records our concept of beauty. Beauty in ancient Greek is something related to the divine, to something which is higher than our human dimension and even cosmic, which we call cosmic. It's something that in ancient Greek is related to a judgment and regional arrangement of status in important relationships, initiatives, and random. French people say that in Athens. So there are many notions that we have borrowed by ancient Greek and Latin and we have transferred our personal experience as accidental people. To interpret them, to teach them in school. 

But, you know, there is much that needs to be done to better understand and catch about the seminal meaning of notions in ancient Greek and relating. Yeah. Yeah. Yes. 

Yes. There is a series where the semantic areas most affected by lost in translation cases and phenomenon are definitely politics and religion. And this is very important to to notice, you know, because maybe from a sociological and anthropological point to real religion politics are the areas which most characterize our cultures and societies.

Jo: Yeah. So I think we could learn from that. I think I'm Yeah. It's it always a trade off? Or I think societies need a good balance of looking back in history and learning from best practices as well as mistakes made to find a way forward in today's world. And I feel Yeah. 

As we're, like, looking at the situation in Ukraine, we don't do that enough. And why did it have to come thus far again? But not to go on well, I think we could learn also how we treat this planet because there's certainly even other societies, which were not as exploitive to our own livelihood resource. But okay. So more on a positive note, what you so told us about terms or concepts that are that clearly have been misinterpreted. 

Just be and not intentionally so, but by applying a certain context and knowledge to as we study ancient languages. I was just reminded of the fact that in today's languages, there are certain words and phrases which do not translate into another language. And that is so funny in Swedish, there is a term for a feeling of just the right amount of something as called log on. They can also be negatively connotated, but often just means the perfect amount, like, in a good sense. Or it can mean a bare minimum of something, so just enough.

And that depends very much on the context. But in Swedish, you have one word to capture that, and the context declares it's a positive or negative, notated. And then It doesn't translate. We don't have a word like that in English and German. That's the two, like, two other languages I'm confident with. 

And then I think of the German word, vegmatz, which expresses or translates to the world's pain. But the English word doesn't really explain what the German word means, meaning a feeling of being lost by seeing the or being aware of the suffering in the world and not really knowing what to do about it unless we find a way for accents and find a machine. No. No.. That's basically this yeah. This deep pain. Of experiences, negative experiences made during a lifetime, but also things that we cannot control, but they still affect us. Like, feeling empathetic where the refugees are. 

And if, you know, you think you can do something, but it wouldn't solve the issue and it wouldn't, you know, So that's that. Yeah. Yeah.

Eleonora: It's very interesting. I found that it's a very interesting topic, and I will recommend the reading of capital contribution, which is the European dictionary of philosophies, which is being published by Barbara Rakeshson in two thousand and four. And it brings and collects really important notions taken from philosophical fields. And so from a comparative point of view, it's very instructive because it puts into the same label, you know, specific notion, for example, the notion of space, the notion of time, and she takes with all the other contributors the experience, the experience of interpretation of several hundred philosophers and writers to see effectively what this mission killed mean across languages, across cultural traditions about philosophy and historical studies. So it could be very instructive to gain a deeper insight about the topic, you know.

Jo: And then how does it affect that? In research, when we like, there's… If you think about how terminologies arise, sometimes there is a word thats or that's being coined in one language and then adapted. I researched in another language group. And either it goes back, like, to an international consortium, that there's agreement on the Latin version just to make it applicable and multiple languages. Or because it arises from discipline that already grounds their terminologies on Latin text enemies. Or, yeah, another language is being adopted into other languages. 

So how do you see like, also as a like, in your position at Frontiers, how do you see much lingualism affects science communication? Maybe that's too big

Eleonora: Yeah. I I think that for my experience at computers, I think that bilingualism impacts necessarily, you know, scholarly communication nowadays. I think that their multilingualism in scholarly communication and writing is still a niche topic, I will say. 

It deserves much more light than it actually has. For example, I think it's even more crucial to understand what the roles of different sectors in multilingual science are. For example, what is the role of markets, what is the role of Google, what is the role of governments, civil society, academic publishers. And last but not least, what is the role of the artificial intelligence represented by the strategic team in this, in this you know, this field. And I'll bite all these concerns. 

It is worth noticing that there's still a lot of initiatives. That we can keep running to effectively disseminate a sense of milk dealing with sentiment across scholarly communities and research fields. For example, one of the things that really interests me as a scholarly professional is the role of technology. In our multilingual communication, our technology creates the potential conditions to fill in the gap between the producer and the consumer of scientific communication. My aspiration lies to do research in public policy, for example, and specifically within the public policy and technology policy fields in order to understand what we can deduct from open knowledge movements such as open data, open access, open education to, you know, to make open science free of cognitive bias coming from linguistic barriers. And I think that new multilingualism should be added as one of the pillars of the open-spoken movement. We because we know how much of a language barrier a closed gate can be. In this regard, I went through the past conversations you had around mutilings with other languages, and I found it very empowering the initiatives that other colleagues run or are running to actually contrast linguistic inequalities, you know, in scholarly publishing. 

And it could be very interesting to recognize a specific training session, for example, about policy research for language justice in the research ecosystem. So, yeah, I think that much must then be done to completely perform multilingualism without the exoticism of a certain language being able to act as a barrier for the knowledge transfer. You know? For example, yes, we can obviously rely on machine driving translations to support the process, to gain a first primary access to scientific contents, but then start the processes that we need to provide translations of the right dignity because, you know, there is a semantic and, as I said, anthropological substrate conveyed by the operational act of translating. So for example, there are certain phrases that can be easily translated to another language but others not always. 

So for example, I totally agree with those who propose to make translation a scientific category on its own, deserving its DOI. And I also think that our preprint stages could fill in a gap in the publishing workflow, because it can allow translations to turn out into a living scientific document open for comments, open for corrections, open for optimizations from the whole, not only community, And this could be a wonderful way to get refined translations with why learning local specificity of how people around the world interpret specific contents, specific scientific and research contents. From a public from a publisher point of view, and accepting multilingualism is commonly publishing is to put into practice. His multilingualism in every single event, I think, of the publishing workflow. So first of all, it deals with acts accepting mutilingualism in article content. So a publisher should allow authors to submit articles in a language they prefer. 

This means that articles can be published in languages other than French or English, and the publishers should encourage authors to publish their research in an international language, if they wish.

.Secondly, I think that the scholarly publisher offers translation services to authors who need the article translated into English or other languages. Then it is a question of driving mut what review process where articles can be reviewed in the language in which they are written. So this could be particularly helpful. I think for authors, who are not comfortable writing in English, they prefer to receive feedback in their native language. And then it's crucial, I think, to have multilingual editorial teams who are able to communicate with authors in their native language so that they can receive support in their own language. 

And finally, there is the publishing platform topic. I think that the scholarly publisher should have a multilingual publishing platform that supports articles written in multiple languages, so as to allow knowledgeable readers from all over the world to access and read articles in the language of their choice. So this is something similar I know to what has been implemented by Heron Lex at our communitarian level. So this is something that with the right tools, with the right conditions, with the right policies can be easily shipped in reality.

Jo:: Yeah. I like that vision. And I think when you publishers would say we don't have the budget to cater for all of that. Like, it's difficult to find editors who can cover what languages. But then it doesn't really have to be such that, like, that every like, I think it's beneficial if every publisher covers at least two languages because I think it makes sense in today's world. 

If we really consider ourselves as a global society, then we must be inclusive of multilingualism or at least bilingualism for that matter. And then I think there is growing demand again to revive regional journals and to let go of the focus of so-called international journalists, which I have a clear, which I call it bias, but a clear focus on Western researchers as well. And the language barrier helps well, helps as it is much reason for that because yeah. It just makes it difficult if researchers of other language groups are forced to first thing, it runs English to a sufficient level. And and there's been measure whether I've been reviewing an article that for the first time measure the cost of translation by researchers, and it's like, all of us non native English speakers can easily relate how much extra effort it means to be able to practice research and then to publish research in a foreign language. 

And then also losing the ability over time of community getting your research and your mother tongue. So that's the other trade off down the line. And you might ask, so what If research and science communication is to serve society, what like, why would it then only serve such a small percentage of society who is capable of speaking and reading English. Anyway, so where I'm going with this, would it be feasible, I think, a model that I just envision as you as you voiced your calls for action, for publishers. 

If we allow or if you encourage researchers to consider also their regional university presence, regional journals that support their mother science and national languages and regional languages. And then these would also be bilingual, meaning they would also provide summaries of the research outcome in English, French, Arabic, or other of any of the major languages, which are also covered by the United Nations because also Spanish because they cover major language groups. And then this would, I think, allow for the level of our good balance between research that is regionally and locally relevant. And research that and also provide access to research that has a global impact or potentially, like, looking at global patterns. And then sorry. 

And then yeah. So how would this play out? So, how do you handle those at the frontiers? Is there already an infrastructure at French resources in the road map to Sorry. I should have looked this up before. 

Eleonora: Only English, but what do I need? What I said earlier is something coming from my personal experience as a multilingual author. Because I encountered some challenges as a multilingual author  in the past, but much more in French than in English, I have to say. And maybe for several reasons. I think, of course, for the pure reason that distinguishes the French language from all the others, we know about to the purist conduct of French people in academia, and then for the existence of several variance of English, you know, the American English, UK English, and so on, which, like, you're not so familiar with the process writing, evaluating and correcting journal articles and chapters more flexible. So as a multilingual author, I've seen the challenges and the barriers that can arise when trying to publish research in languages other than English or French or in French, as I said, But this has made me more critical of the dominance of English and French language publications in the academic world. It reflects a certain way the colonialist perspective in historical studies. And that has motivated me to advocate for greater recognition of non English language research because I believe that only by promoting multilingualism in scholarly publishing we cannot create a more equitable and more inclusive academic landscape. And in more practical terms, highlights and time to spend, yes, additional time, additional effort on language editing to ensure that my work. 

Met the high standards of English and French language journals. However, I've also found that some journals are more supportive of your bilingual quarters than others. And I've been able to access friends by seeking out these publications. So there is a heterogeneous landscape about multilingualism in scholarly publishing, and that needs to stick into account even the best practices of a single journal about linguistic diversity.

So this is a very very rich and complicated topic. I think that yes.

Jo: But like I said earlier, I think once we appreciate multilingualism. And once we acknowledge that it should be, like you said, suggested also, like, one of the pillars of open science And, like, in my definition, I always mention it as such. And once, like, like, an increasing number of scholastic, whether it's to adopt multilingualism or nothing that's coming. It's becoming one more of a discussion item. How can we facilitate this? 

How can we bidded into the technical level?  There's also, like, small baby steps that the researchers and the publishers can take in facilitating what you're doing with us on science communication or or scheduling communication by Publishers having a query for or allowing researchers to submit a summary in another language. Not necessarily translating even if the editorial team is primarily English. But the thing is, like, apparently, I don't know to what extent, but some researchers tend to write the research article first in their native language and then transcribe it into English just because it's not feasible for them. And or anyways, at some point, they write a summary in their native language, and that can then also be or should be able to of course submit it to the article? 

And also, like, you pointed out, like, get it onto your eye. I like there was a very much first of all, for the whole article as well as a manuscript, which is basically the metadata to the dataset of quiet listen in the life sciences, which is the actual result of the study. Because it's a project that never ends unless the funding ends. And there will always be comments and suggestions and new ways to interpret the data. So also the English version should be a living document to continue to be explored further. But as well very much through the translation because every translation is aware to interpret due to the effects that we postulated earlier in this conversation because every language comes with a highly specific cultural context and way to integrate information, and to contextualize information, into the geographical and cultural context of the language brochure. 

So that's also one of the major pain points. I think why we should allow more multilingualism because a lot of contextual context regional context information gets lost in translation. Because like we said, there are no concepts in English that you would describe in Italian or maybe also the way you describe the results of your research and interprism is not easy to put in words in English. Not for an native speaker, but also because the concepts don't exist in that language. 

And for that matter, it's like everybody can only win if we provide at least two languages and yeah. Versions. And this, again, like, can also be shorter versions for yeah. For resources, limitations, reasons. But, yeah, I think only then science really makes sense. 

Plus, for any English English first language research study in a specific lingual context by like, that's not not English, followed by default, also have to be translated into that language because otherwise, there's no reason and it's not fair to do research on a particular world region if you don't make the results accessible to people who live in that region or in that cultural context. 

Eleonora: Yeah. I think that it depends even on the discipline you raised because for example, I can speak of my personal experience? I studied niche topics. And at a certain point, I had the almost depression of being the only one in Hispanic starting date.

So in my field, a lot of information comes from the twenty and twenty first century archaeological field. Are in national languages, for example, in Precidian. So scientific publication, obviously, for my research area is predominantly in English and French. But if you really want to go through the details which you need to make accurate assessments of what after five meetings tell us about ancient cultures then you take your individual individual care and then just give us for translation. 

You know? And so as a community, well, this is a trend of our profession not being open access published. I found that reading research publishing in languages other than English or French has been extremely valuable, and I'm really committed to ensuring that researchers from diverse linguistic backgrounds avoid the global academic conversation because translating science, as I said, is a form of open science. 

Jo: So I want to dive back to the comment you made in the beginning. And I think you also amended whether it or or expressed that you don't really stand behind it. Sometimes, Latin and ancient Greek are referred to as dead languages. But thanks to your explanation and also how we explore how much we're still influenced today by both languages, also how we use them for numbers also arabic  and our writing and how to influence our cultural understanding or misunderstanding of where we are from and how we've been influenced over the centuries. 

But would you, like, the concept of or understand, what's the word? Like, would they agree that Latin is a dead language? Or do you see pretty much alive because we constantly use it just not as necessarily.

Eleonora: Okay. Yeah. They are alive, too alive, I think. It depends even on the educational programs run by specific governments, you know, for example, you're in Italy, Latin and ancient Greek are taught during the most crucial heroes of a person's life during adolescence. So the conception, the understanding of the world for adolescence comes from the learning of ancient languages. 

And I think that everything's coming from ancient cultures is still alive in our way of interpreting and seeing the phenomenon which surrounds us. So they're very, very alive and they think that it's very useful in order to renew the conversation, the scholarly conversation about ancient languages to refresh even educational programs from single by single government actions. In European countries. 

Jo: And I bring from as a tool What I'm also personally passionate about is fostering indigenous knowledge and the UNESCO open science recommendations as explicitly says that we, as scholars, need to look and acknowledge other knowledge systems, including traditional indigenous knowledge, And, like, working on African context, we deal with some thousands of languages that are native to the region. And some would argue, yeah, there is no what? Some languages are actually on the brink of extinction, so there's not so many people left to actually speak the language.  It’s the same in Latin America. 

And Asia,  around the world, really? And also in Germany, it's an like, it's unfortunate that we lose dialects increasingly so. Because also dialects sometimes carry century old contextual phrases. Which might also inform our understanding, like you said, of today's world. My direct return indigenous knowledge and indigenous Languages. 

Yeah. Again, as I hear, I think there's concepts to be lost if we If we don't yeah. Like, I'd say more positively phrased We have a chance to preserve also knowledge with the languages. And by fostering multilingualism on regional, national, local levels to that to also preserve the ecological and cultural understanding of these regions. And I think that also implies an important role for our cultural identity for the people of societies. 

And science can do its part to acknowledge that and to help preserve and help to build bridges Oh, yeah. Scientific and difficult. And but I think that's basically I think this was also a research precision, embrace more of again. Unless well, as much as we need the technical approach and standardized approaches, better be more appreciative again of the values and also the wider context of why we do research in the press place. And what it benefits as a global society, but also on a local level.

Eleonora:  Yeah. I think that that's something which needs to start from high school teaching, you know. Because I think that we have an ambition to make our young generations more aware about the importance of languages intangible, intangible, adding one as French people say it. It's almost an all scientific approach to the questions sometimes. It's more personal, you know. 

And even now, I think it's interesting because if you think about it, you and I were speaking from different first language positions, we are conversing in English about multilingualism. This is a sort of hard reflection about language. And I think that it could be very more important for young people, young man, to do the same thing, you know.

Jo: So there's much work to be done. But also, I think we touched on a few things also for researchers. 

If scholars has a better practice of just translating some of their providing a short summary or at least providing a translation of the title in the native language or in another language. If English is in the native language, then we would already come quite far and then the abstract could be So the the key metadata of those would be translated. There would already be an increase of x's, like, and it would make a huge difference for a globally connected and inclusive scientific community. And like you said, I think this can also be further facilitated by translation tools that you talk towards, like google translate, el dot com. 

There's other university built tools.

 So basically I know you agree that there’s a bright future for multilingualism in academia. Right? Do you agree with that?

Eleonora:  Yeah. I Agree. Yeah. Of course. And I think we should also be wondering about the importance and the role of funders of institutions in supporting muting while voters and university presses, for example, I think that we should first go back to our basic fundamental question for example, as a researcher, when I'm trying to influence, when I'm trying to speak to, when I'm trying to help with my research, And if the house tour is a local population, for example, that does not speak English as a native language, that It should be part of our mission as researchers, as academic publishing professionals to practice multilingualism in a more performative and and sustainable way.

Obviously, Researchers need to be supported by institutional stakeholders. So I think that the real message to funders as well as universities to think about what potential benefits could come from translating the research and getting it into other language.

For example, institutions and founders can better support maturing well orders and promote. Greater recognition of non English language research by providing resources and infrastructures, e infrastructure to support the publication and dissemination of research in multiple languages. This can include funding for language editing and translation services as well as support for Open Access publishing platforms that are more inclusive. So institutions and funders play a role in promoting diversity and inclusion by recognizing the value and the contribution of nurturing world researchers and we can, for example, follow more systematically the Helsinki's initiatives. On multilingualism in scientific communication, which has been conceived and prepared. 

In twenty nineteen, if I'm not wrong, by declaration, by declaration of Finnish learned societies from the committee of for public information, from the University of Norway and the cast action European network for research, evaluation, the social sciences and humanities. So there are effectively important initiatives, which have been – which have been run by to promote multilingualism across disciplines, across universities, across nationals, you know.

There is maybe a bright future, but we need the help of universities, publishers, and funders.

Jo: Yeah. I agree. And the good news is also that the literature discovery tools, my favorite ones, other ones that I published independently, like the lens. Lens dot org and base search, open knowledge, maps, which is based on base, which other school has got a few which. It's just not very well organized. 

But so these tools are actually, for Google scholar, I'm not sure. But based on the lens, they're suddenly capable of also disclosing research articles that are written in non-in languages other than English. So then you can at least see that in your research discipline, our tickets have been published in other languages, and then as a way  to use as a translation tool to see what exactly it's been written about and to get in touch with the authors. 

And maybe as a consultant and interpreter to help with the communication. It's usually for the yeah. On that level, the science communicator, like, is in the yeah. There's ways to learn from each other beyond the language barriers. And why I'm highlighting this also, there's certainly journals that researchers can publish in in their native language. 

So not everything has to be translated into English. But I think the way forward and to make best possible use of scholarly knowledge is to think multilingual or at least bilingual. To get started. And there's yeah. Like I said, there's already good examples. 

Thanks for mentioning this. I will also look into policies that have been adopted based on the or referring to the Helsink initiative. That promotes multilingualism from a top time approach, which makes it easier for researchers to embrace it. So thank you so much, Eleonora. 

It's been quite a show

Eleonora:  Thank you too. And I think we could probably talk for hours about this topic. But I think we covered almost everything I want to talk about in this podcast. I really thank you, Jo, for giving me this opportunity. 

And I would just say if anyone is listening and wants to contribute and organize, you know, webinars or workshops around policy research and language, justice and open science, then I'd be really open to discuss. I am really happy. Thank you, Jo.

Jo: Yeah. Also, I want to volunteer for that. For everyone else you can also contact Eleonora directly. And you will certainly hear more about the topic in the space. And you're most warmly welcome back to continue the conversation. 

Eleonora: Thank you. Thank you very much.

Jo: Okay.

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