A conversation with Victor Venema, Danny Chan and Jennifer Miller
A conversation with Victor Venema, Danny Chan and Jennifer Miller
Translate Science is a working group that wants to exchange information, lobby, and build tools to make translations of scientific articles/reports/books, abstracts, titles, and terms more accessible and (thus) stimulate the production of such translations.
Read more about our work at
We recorded this episode in mid-November 2022. Shortly after, in late December, we were notified of Victor’s sudden death. It is therefore with heavy hearts that we share this conversation with you, however, we hope his words can inspire you to agree with us on the importance of multilingualism in science and the opportunities translation of selected research output can provide for the global society.
In memoriam of Victor Venema:
To see all our podcast episodes go to
Victor Venema | Jennifer Miller | Danny Chan |
Mastodon: Twitter: @Grassr_Journals Matrix chat: Codeberg: Venema GitHub: VictorVenema | ORCID: 0000-0001-5459-6733 Linkedin: /in/jennifermillerpublicpolicy/ Mastodon: [email protected] | ORCID: 0000-0002-8082-2316 Website: Twitter: @id_EATER Mastodon: Linkedin: in/danwchan Youtube: Defectivebrayne |