A conversation with Maureen Archer (Part 2)
A conversation with Maureen Archer
Maureen Archer is President of the training and consulting firm Professional English Inc. and helps professionals (incl. researchers) improve their English skills and confidence for career advancement. With Jo, she talks about the career path that led her to her current profession, common challenges and obstacles with the English language as perceived by non-native English speakers, as well as some of the key skills researchers should have in communicating their ideas, thoughts, and results.
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Maureen enjoys working with a wide variety of professionals. After receiving her Ph.D. in English linguistics from Purdue University and teaching university courses for 10 years, she founded Professional English Incorporated. She is a subject matter expert in communication training and technical editing, specialized in supporting non-native English speakers; having helped thousands of professionals from around the world. Maureen is a course designer and instructor, a personal coach, a professional speaker, and a technical editor.
Maureen Archer | ORCID iD: 0000-0002-8208-5364 Website: professionalenglishinc.com Linkedin: drmaureenarcher Facebook: ProfessionalEnglishInc |
My professional goal is to help researchers accurately communicate their ideas in papers and presentations.
Maureen Archer
Book: Metaphors We Live By, by George Lakoff and Mark Johnson; press.uchicago.edu/ucp/books/book/chicago/M/bo3637992.html