Transcript of the conversation with Jan Heidelberger
A conversation with Jan Heidelberger about sustainable lab best practice, grass-root science organisations and everything in between
Jan Heidelberger works as Scientific Coordinator for the Max Planck School Matter to Life in Heidelberg. During his time as a PhD student, he co-founded the grassroots initiative IMB Green at the Institute of Molecular Biology in Mainz together with colleagues and has since been passionate about implementing sustainable measures in the laboratory and science sector. After joining MPS Matter to Life, he joined the Max Planck Sustainability Network (MPSN) and has been part of the steering committee since June 2021.
Jan joins Jo to talk about the ways of making science more sustainable in the lab and also across institutes and universities.
The Max Planck Sustainability Network (MPSN) now comprises 45 individual sustainability groups at various Max Planck Institutes (MPI). In 2021, the network published the Catalog of Recommendations for Sustainability in the Max Planck Society (, which contains measures that can be implemented universally at institutes. The network is in exchange with national and international partners to jointly develop ideas and find solutions to make their own work more sustainable and to encourage and support others to do so.
LinkedIn: /jan-heidelberger-038086165/ Twitter: @Marswalker5 Website: |
Which researcher – dead or alive – do you find inspiring? Charles Darwin
What is your favorite animal and why? Hawk - free and wild. Fly wherever you want when you want with little emission ;-)
Name your (current) favorite song and interpret/group. Running up that hill - Kate Bush (damn you Stranger things!)
What is your favorite dish/meal? Vegan Lasagne by Gaz Oakley
The Max Planck Sustainability Network; (en & de)
CaRe 2021: Catalogue of Recommendations for Sustainability in the Max Planck Society,
Freezer Challenge 2023:
September 17 is Lab Waste Day,
Atmosfair website:
Take part in LEAF - The LEAF initiative will help you improve the sustainability and efficiency of your laboratories;
Alves J, Sargison FA, Stawarz H, Fox WB, Huete SG, Hassan A, McTeir B, Pickering AC. A case report: insights into reducing plastic waste in a microbiology laboratory. Access Microbiol. 2020 Oct 14;3(3):000173. doi: 10.1099/acmi.0.000173. PMID: 34151149; PMCID: PMC8209715.
Borgermann N, Schmidt A, Dobbelaere J. Preaching water while drinking wine: Why universities must boost climate action now. One Earth, Volume 5, Issue 1, 2022, Pages 18-21, ISSN 2590-3322,
Dobbelaere J, Heidelberger JB, Borgermann N; Achieving sustainable transformation in science – green grassroots groups need nurturing from the top. J Cell Sci 1 September 2022; 135 (17): jcs259645. doi:
Jahnke, K., Fendt, C., Fouesneau, M. et al. An astronomical institute’s perspective on meeting the challenges of the climate crisis. Nat Astron 4, 812–815 (2020).
Masuzzo, Paola. (2021, April 23). Slow Science, Open Science. Zenodo.
Meirzon S (2022). Max Planck Sustainability Network helps scientists share ideas. Pyxis Communications,…
Parncutt R, Lindborg P, Meyer-Kahlen N and Timmers R (2021) The Multi-hub Academic Conference: Global, Inclusive, Culturally Diverse, Creative, Sustainable. Front. Res. Metr. Anal. 6:699782. doi: 10.3389/frma.2021.699782
German articles
Rebehn P. (2020). Luftwechsel im Labor Der unterschätzte Wert der Laborluft,
Allianz der Wissenschaftsorganisationen will ihren Beitrag zum Ziel der Klimaneutralität leisten (Stellungnahme vom 13. September 2021);