A conversation with Anna Picco-Schwendener and Suzanna Marazza (part 2)
A conversation with Anna Picco-Schwendener and Suzanna Marazza (part 1)
Anna Picco-Schwendener is a Postdoctoral Researcher while Suzanna Marazza is a Legal consultant. They both work at USI Università della Svizzera italiana, Switzerland.
They joined Jo on this podcast to talk about Data and Copyrights protection.
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ORCID iD: 0000-0002-1196-2702 Website: ccdigitallaw.ch/index.php/english Linkedin: /in/anna-picco-schwendener-b1a22216 | Website: dmlawtool.ccdigitallaw.ch Linkedin: /in/suzanna-marazza-4bb38017b |
Suzanna Marazza is a collaborator at Università della Svizzera italiana (USI)’s eLearning Lab (http://www.elearninglab.org) and as a legal consultant, she works on several projects dealing with digital law – ranging from copyright to data protection, especially within academia.
Both Anna and Suzanna work for the project CCdigitallaw (https://ccdigitallaw.ch/index.php/english) which is a competence center in digital law for Swiss Higher Education Institutions, doing workshops and responding to requests in Italian, German, French and English related to copyright, licensing and data protection.
They have also been able to develop the DMLawTool (https://dmlawtool.ccdigitallaw.ch), a software that aims at helping researchers in dealing with possible legal issues they might encounter during research data collection and management. (Source: Guests’ LinkedIn Profiles)
Data anonymization
Asking for consent and other requirements and processes for personal data protection
Which license to apply to datasets? CC-BY or CC-0 ?
https://www.gida-global.org/care CARE Principles
Know your legal rights as the copyright holder of your work (manuscript and datasets)
Negotiables and non-negotiables in a publisher agreement
What legal aspects are important for the editor and why are they non-negotiable?